Fellowship In Montreal

Joseph Wang - Biography (王振義弟兄-生命的故事)

Joseph Chen-Yih Wang was born on November 4, 1929 (lunar calendar) in Chi-ShiaCounty, Shandong Province, in northern China, to parents, Jing-Ming Wang and De-Xin Song. He was the third of six children. He had an older sister, an older brother, as well as three younger sisters. The family lived in a traditional farming village. While Joseph’s grandparents were farmers, his father was a high school teacher and his mother a housewife. On the farm, everyone had to help with all of the chores, so he also learned to do everything in his earlier years.

王振義弟兄生于1929年11月4日(农历)。出生在中国北方山东省的棲霞县,父母王経明和宋德馨。 他是六个孩子中的第三个。 他有一个姐姐,一个哥哥,还有三个妹妹。 这家人住在一个传统的农村。 虽然王振義弟兄的祖父母是农民,但他的父亲是高中老师,母亲是家庭主妇。 在农场,每个人都必须帮助完成所有的事务,所以在他年幼的时候也学会了作很多农村的事。

After graduating from high school at age 17, Joseph could not find a suitable job. Hence, he joined the Kuomingtang, Nationalist Army and was assigned to a large ship at the seacoast of Tsingdao, Shandong province. Although he saw other young soldiers killed in combat in the civil war against the Communists, he escaped harm and later ended up in Taiwan where the Nationalists retreated. Joseph subsequently was accepted into the prestigious National Taiwan University, and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1955.

十七岁高中毕业后王振義弟兄找不到一个合适的工作。因此,他加入了国民党青年军队,并被分配到山东省駐青岛的一个軍隊里,后来隨部队遷到海南岛,在那里因为水土不服,有许多年青的士兵都死在那里,他也差一点点在那里喪命,如今想来,都是神的保守。 最终来到台湾,即国民党撒退的地方。 王振義弟兄被录取到很有名的国立台湾大学,并于1955年获得机械工程学士学位。

Joseph met Rosa Yu-Chen Li through mutual friends and they were married on September 8, 1956. Their daughter, Caroline, was born in Taipei on July 7, 1957 and their son, Clement, was born on November 26 the following year. During that time, Joseph worked as an engineer at Yu Long Motor Company in Taipei.

王振義弟兄通过共同的朋友认识了罗莎李玉珍姊妹,他们于1956年9月8日结婚。他们的女儿卡罗琳于1957年7月7日出生在台北,儿子克莱门也于次年11月26日出生。 在此期间,王振義弟兄在台北的裕隆汽车公司担任工程师。

In 1960, Joseph applied for a prestigious scholarship from the Taiwan government to study in the U.S. and came in first place in the written exam. During the interview however, he became frustrated with the interviewers’ ignorance in their questioning and reacted in a way that was perceived to be brash and arrogant. Although he was bitterly disappointed that he was not awarded the scholarship despite being the most qualified candidate, years later he realized that it was all part of the Lord’s sovereign arrangement to eventually bring him to salvation. Around 1962, Joseph became a Catholic and brought his family into the Catholic parish, as it was just across the street from the house they lived in at that time.

1960年,王振義弟兄申请台湾政府辦的中山奨学金到美国留学,并在笔试中名列第一。 然而,在面试中,他对面试者在质疑中的无知感到沮丧,并以一种被认为是无礼和傲慢的方式作出的反应。 虽然尽管他是最有资格的候选人,但他仍然没有获得奖学金,他感到非常失望,多年后他意识到,最终让他得救的是主的主权安排的一部分。 大约在1962年,王振義弟兄成为一名天主教徒并带着他的家人进入天主教教区,因为这个天主教堂就在他们当时居住的街对面。

Later, still wanting to study abroad, Joseph applied for a full scholarship for a Masters degree in aeronautical engineering at the Turin Polytechnic Institute, sponsored by the Italian government. He once again came in first place and was accepted into the program. Joseph left his wife and two children in November 1963 to study in Italy. The family meanwhile continued to attend mass, and the nuns in the parish provided practical assistance during his absence over the next four and a half years. Joseph lived frugally in a monastery while in Italy and wrote a letter to his wife nearly every single day, since the family’s home in Taiwan did not have a telephone.

后来,王振義弟兄还想在国外進修,并在Turin 理工学院获得由意大利政府赞助的航空工程硕士学位全额奖学金。 他再次名列在第一名并被接纳进入硕士班。 王振義弟兄于1963年11月离开他的妻子和两个孩子到意大利学习。 同时,这个家庭继续参加弥撒,教区的修女们在他缺席的过程中提供了实际的帮助,在接下来的一年半里。 王振義弟兄在意大利的一个修道院里节俭地生活,几乎每一天都给妻子写了一封信,因为在台湾的家里没有电话。

In December 1965, Joseph immigrated to Toronto, Canada, directly from Italy, without first returning to Taiwan. By the end of 1966, he was hired at Lycoming AeronauticalCompany, a U.S. company with a Toronto office that sponsored his immigration application process. As soon as he received his landed immigrant status, he began the long application process to bring his family to Canada. After the long separated, Joseph was happily reunited with Rosa, Caroline and Clement when they arrived in Toronto on April 19, 1968.

1965年12月,王振義弟兄直接从意大利移民到加拿大多伦多,没有首先返回台湾。 到1966年底,他被聘为Lycoming Aeronautical Company的工程师,是一家美国公司。这公司在多伦多办公室赞助他的加拿大移民申请程序。 一旦他获得了加拿大登陆移民身份,他就开始了长期的申请程序,将他的家人带到加拿大。 经过长时间的分离,很幸运地王振義弟兄在1968年4月19日与抵达多伦多的罗莎,卡罗琳和克莱门重聚。

In July 1972, Joseph began working at an engineering company in London, Ontario. In the first month after moving into their new house, the post office delivered a letter intended for David’s Wang’s wife (Elizabeth) but was sent to Joseph and Rosa’s address. Since the surname was the same and the address was very similar, this “mistake” was the turning point to usher Joseph to hear the genuine gospel for the first time. Subsequently David shared the meaning of being a Christian with Joseph. David discovered that Rosa’s parents had received the Lord directly through Witness Lee’s gospel preaching in the Church in Chefoo, China. He also learned that Rosa had attended children’s meetings and was baptized there just before the Communists invaded her city, causing her to flee with entire her school at age 12.

1972年7月,王振義弟兄开始在安大略省伦敦市的一家工程公司工作。 搬入新房后的第一个月,邮局发给了王大卫的妻子(伊丽莎白)一封信,但被错误的送到王振義弟兄和罗莎的地址。 由于这两家都姓王且地址非常相似,这个“错误”是引导王振義弟兄一次听到真正福音的转折点。 随后大卫与王振義弟兄一起分享了真正成为基督徒的意义。 大卫发现,罗莎的父母直接通过在中国山東省煙台市讲道的李常受弟兄的福音接受了主。 他还了解到,罗莎参加了儿童聚会,并在共产党入侵前,在煙台市四馬路聚会所受了浸,那时在12岁的她与整个学校离开了煙台。

Joseph eventually received the Lord and was baptized in Lake Huron, along with his son Clement, in June of 1974. The whole family began to attend church meetings regularly and open their home for the gospel and small group meetings. They also attended many church conferences and trainings over the years in many localities, including Toronto, Cleveland, Chicago and Anaheim, California.

王振義弟兄接受了主,并于1974年6月与他的儿子克莱门一起在安大略省的Huron湖受洗。整个家庭开始定期参加教会聚会,并为福音和小组聚集打开他们的家。 多年来,他们还参加了许多地方的教会特会和训练,包括多伦多,克利夫兰,芝加哥, 紐約, 和加利福尼亚州的安那翰市。

While working as an engineer in London, Joseph was pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Thermodynamics at the University of Western Ontario. After successfully defending this thesis in 1981, he was offered a tenure-track faculty position as an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. He spent the first year by himself in Montreal as Rosa was still working in London at the time. It was during this period that he began to spend hours each day to diligently read the Bible and ministry books and to fellowship with the other saints in Montreal. That first year became a turning point in his Christian life and deepened his spiritual hunger to seek the Lord and His Word. During that year, the saints also started the first gospel meeting in the students lounge at Concordia University.

在伦敦担任工程师期间,王振義弟兄也有在攻读西安大略大学热力学博士学位。 1981年成功答辩博士论文后,他获得了魁北克省蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学机械工程教授的终身教职。 由于罗莎当时仍在伦敦工作,所以他在蒙特利尔单独的度过了第一年。 正是在这个时期,他开始每天花几个小时努力阅读圣经和有职事的主仆们的书籍,并与蒙特利尔的其他圣徒们有交通。 在蒙特利尔的第一年成为他基督徒生活的转折点,加深了他寻求主和主话语属灵的渴慕。 在那一年,圣徒们还在康考迪亚大学的学生休息室开始了第一次福音聚集。

In 1982, Rosa moved to Montreal to join Joseph. Together, they actively participated in the church life, serving in a variety of capacities and opening their home to cherish, shepherd and nourish countless brothers and sisters. Joseph took advantage of opportunities to visit the churches in many different cities and countries as he attended academic conferences, including the US, Korea, Germany, Japan, and China. In 1986 the saints in Montreal began to meet as the church with the Lord’s table meeting in oneness. Joseph exhibited the love of Christ in taking care of others. He would spend many hours to visit and shepherd the saints and not regard his own needs. Joseph and Rosa also practiced giving hospitality to many saints and visitors from various cities and countries over the years. They warmly received the saints into their home, and many would stay for a week at a time where they treasured the fellowship in the Lord.

1982年,罗莎姊妹搬到蒙特利尔加入王振義弟兄,并且一起积极参与教会生活,以各种身份服务,并打开家,珍惜,牧养和喂养无数的弟兄姊妹们。 王振義弟兄参加学术会议时,利用各种机会参观了在许多不同城市和国家的教会聚集,包括美国,韩国,德国,日本,台湾和中国。 1986年,蒙特利尔的圣徒们正式开始有主的桌子的聚集。 王振義弟兄活出基督的爱,殷勤照顾他人。 他会花很多时间去拜访和牧养圣徒,而不是考虑他自己的需要。 多年来,王振義弟兄和罗莎姊妹,也为来自不同城市和国家的许多圣徒们和逰客,提供热情款待。 他们热情地接待圣徒们进入他们的家,许多人珍惜在主里的交通而会在他们家停留一个星期。

Throughout his Christian life, Joseph enjoyed, studied and spoke the Word of God. One of his favourite verses is 1 Corinthians 2:9: “But as it is written, things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard and which have not come up in man’s heart; things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Although he doesn’t sing well, he very much appreciated and was inspired by many hymns over the years. He was fond of a particular stanza from one of Charles Wesley’s hymns:

王振義弟兄活在一个基督徒生活的享受中,並进修和说出了神的话语。 他最喜欢的一节经文之一是哥林多前书2章9节:“如经上所记,神为爱他的人所预备的,是眼睛未曾看见,耳朵未曾听见,人心也未曾想到的。”虽然他唱歌不好,但非常欣赏并多年来受到许多赞美诗的启发。 他特别喜欢Charles Wesley的赞美诗之一的诗节:

Thou, O Christ, art all I want;

More than all in Thee I find;

Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,

Heal the sick and lead the blind.

Just and holy is Thy name,

I am all unrighteousness;

Vile and full of sin I am,

Thou art full of truth and grace.





When Joseph retired from Concordia University in 1995 at the age of 65, he and Rosa decided to join a ten-month full-time labor and spent many weeks in Toronto and Cleveland pursuing the Lord with others. Joseph fully gave himself to diligently study the Word and learn to present the truth. He continued to spend hours each day in his retirement to read the Bible and ministry materials in both English and Chinese. He faithfully labored to enjoy and minister the Word to the saints both in the homes and in the church meetings. He also wrote articles on various spiritual topics for the church website.

当王振義弟兄在1995年65岁,从康考迪亚大学退休时,他和罗莎姊妺决定参加为期十个月的追求主和主的话语,并在多伦多和克利夫兰与其他圣徒们一起追求度过了这段时间。 王振義弟兄将他自己完全摆在研读圣经里并学习讲述真理。在退休后他每天继续花几个小时阅读中英文的圣经和众职事所些的属灵书籍。 他忠心劳苦的在享受也在不同的家庭里和教会聚会中为主说话。 他还为教会网站撰写了关于各种属灵主题的文章。

Joseph underwent surgery for colon cancer in 2012 at age 83 and experienced the Lord’s tender shepherding care during the hospital stay and recovery at home. Thank the Lord that he has been cancer-free ever since. In June 2016, after months of declining health and repeated falls at home, Joseph was hospitalized for ten weeks and eventually was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and dementia. With increasingly limited mobility and strength as well as progressive loss of cognitive functions, it was clear that Rosa was no longer able to care for him at home. Joseph was discharged from the hospital in August 2016 and transferred to Manoir de Verdun, a nursing facility near their home. Rosa faithfully came to visit Joseph nearly every day. During this period, Joseph was content to be in his situation by praying, praising and speaking. When his eyesight was still good, he also treasured reading the Word day by day. He constantly reminded the saints to praise the Lord and not just pray for him. He was surely a pattern to us all.

王振義弟兄于2012年在83岁时接受了大肠癌手术,并在住院和家中康复期间经历了主温柔的牧养护理。感谢主从那以后他一直没有任何的癌症。 2016年6月,经过几个月的健康状况下降和家中多次跌倒,王振義弟兄住院十周,最终被诊断出患有初期的帕金森氏症和老人痴呆症。随着移动性和力量的限制的增加,以及认知功能的逐渐丧失,很明显罗莎姊妹不再能够在家照顾他。王振義弟兄於2016年8月从医院出院,并被转移到他们家附近的护理机构Manoir de Verdun看护中心。罗莎姊妹忠实地几乎每天都来探望並照顾王振義弟兄,在此期间,王振義弟兄满足于祷告,赞美和说话。当他的视力仍然很好时,他也珍惜每天阅读主话。他经常提醒圣徒们要赞美主而不只是为他祈求。他肯定是我们所有人的榜样。

Joseph and Rosa are blessed with four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren and a fourth on the way. Their daughter Caroline married Floyd McNutt in 1983, and they have two sons. The older one, Jonathan, is married to Jennifer (Higashi) and they have two children, Gemma and Micah. The younger son, Stephen, is married to Jacquelyn (Hammer) and they have a son, Lincoln, and a second one due in May, 2019. Clement married Una Chen in 1991 and they have two daughters, Ruthannah and Aletheia.

王振義弟兄和罗莎姊妹很幸运,有四个孙子孙女和三个曾孙,还有第四个曾孙就要出生。 他们的女儿卡罗琳于1983年与Floyd McNutt结婚,他们有两个儿子。 较年长的乔纳森与珍妮弗(Higashi)结婚,他们有两个孩子,杰玛和弥迦。 小儿子斯蒂芬与雅克琳(Hammer)结婚,他们有一个儿子,林肯,第二个应于2019年5月到期。克莱门于1991年与陈纯媛结婚,他们有两个女儿,嘉安和嘉恩。

 2019 年 11 月 03 日   王李玉珍

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